Corporate Partnership
Corporate Giving
Partnership with one of Southern California’s largest presenting and producing organizations brings your business recognition in multiple venues throughout San Diego County, client entertainment opportunities with international artists, and employee ticket benefits.
We have designed this business-based donor group to include a unique set of benefits to help you achieve your goals and actively promote your establishment to the LJMS community.
We are committed to building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with our Corporate Partners. Each Partner Level provides unique benefits and significant recognition opportunities, which have become valuable assets for businesses in the San Diego community. These benefits give direct access to our LJMS patrons, allowing Corporate Partners to participate in private events and receptions and to advertise in LJMS programs and promotional mailings. By offering flexible trade or cash agreements for all budget amounts, we can guarantee a mutually beneficial partnership, while encouraging LJMS’s loyal patrons to support our Corporate Partners.
Become a Corporate Partner Today!
To discuss how La Jolla Music Society can partner with your business, please contact:
Ferdinand Gasang
Director of Development
As a Corporate Partner, you may receive the following benefits, depending on your Partnership Level:
- Recognition in program book, distributed to more than 29,000 patrons annually
- Recognition on Digital Screen in the lobby of The Conrad
- Listing as Corporate Partner on LJMS website with your logo and link to website
- Social Media shoutout
- Advertisement in program book
- Placement on The Conrad’s Preferred Merchants List, distributed to LJMS’s major donors, event hosts and Board of Directors
- Opportunity to place an ad in LJMS WinterFest Gala and/or SummerFest Gala program book
In addition, members of the Business Society may also receive special invitations including:
- Complimentary tickets to concerts during the Winter Season (October – June) and/or SummerFest (August)
- Admission to Intermission Reception
- Invitation to Post-Concert Reception
- Invitation to House Concert event