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Digital Newsroom

Welcome to the LJMS Digital Newsroom

As one of Southern California’s leading presenters of premier performing arts, La Jolla Music Society contributes to San Diego’s cultural vitality year-round through a rich variety of presentations, including classical, jazz, global roots, contemporary music, and dance, at its state-of-the-art venue, The Conrad. In addition to robust educational programs and community outreach, La Jolla Music Society produces SummerFest, a four-week music festival featuring over 80 world-class artists and ensembles performing eclectic concerts and programs. 

This page aggregates useful information for members of the media about the company, the venue, our leadership, and our learning and engagement programs, as well as photos and the latest news in our press releases. For more, or to request interviews or coverage, please contact Stephanie Saad.

Bienvenidos a nuestro noticias digitales 

Como uno de los principales presentadores de artes escénicas de primer nivel del sur de California, La Jolla Music Society contribuye a la vitalidad cultural de San Diego durante todo el año a través de una rica variedad de presentaciones, que incluyen música clásica, jazz, raíces globales, música contemporánea y danza, en su estado- lugar de vanguardia, The Conrad. Además de sólidos programas educativos y alcance comunitario, La Jolla Music Society produce SummerFest, un festival de música de cuatro semanas que presenta a más de 80 artistas y conjuntos de clase mundial que realizan conciertos y programas eclécticos. Esta página agrega información útil para los miembros de los medios sobre la empresa, el lugar, nuestro liderazgo y nuestros programas de aprendizaje y compromiso, así como fotos y las últimas noticias en nuestros comunicados de prensa. Para obtener más información o solicitar entrevistas o cobertura, comuníquese con Stephanie Saad.

For all media inquiries, please contact:

Stephanie Saad
Communications and Public Relations Director

Recent Releases

Most Recent Release

The Conrad’s Free Outdoor Wu Tsai QRT.yrd Concert Series Returns in Spring 2025 

Click Here

terrace over courtyard

April at La Jolla Music Society Brings Classical Stars, Exciting World Music, Jazz Luminaries, British Musical Humor and… Sharks! 

Click Here

La Jolla Music Society Announces Partnership with San Diego Unified School District to Provide PrimeTime Music and Dance Enrichment Program for Ten Schools 

Click Here

Coming in March to La Jolla Music Society: Global Music Stars, Classical and Early Music Masters, an Energetic Kids’ Concert, and Mexican Folkloric Dance 

Click Here

Media Images

Piano in empty concert hall



Learning & Engagement

The 2024-25 Season


Media Policies

No person may sell or promote for commercial purpose, any image, video, or other medium taken while attending an LJMS event or entering The Conrad without contractual permission granted by LJMS. The use of The Conrad for artistic purposes including commercials, TV shows, publication shoots, and model shoots must be approved and scheduled through LJMS’ Marketing and Communications Department. 


Photo & Video Image Use Policy

Upon entering The Conrad and other venues where LJMS events are being held, you acknowledge and agree that you may be photographed or videotaped and any such image may be used for advertising or commercial purposes (including, but not limited to: social media, print, television, online, website, and promotional purposes) at the discretion of La Jolla Music Society.