
Todd R. Schultz
President & CEO
Todd R. Schultz
With 31 years of experience in the performing arts sector, Todd R. Schultz has split that time evenly between marketing and development, including as Vice President of Institutional Advancement for the San Diego Symphony, Director of Development for The Old Globe, and Senior Vice President of Development for the McCallum Theatre. Prior to that he served as Director of Sales and Marketing at LA Opera and Director of Marketing and Public Relations at both San Diego Opera and The Atlanta Opera. An amateur pianist and French horn player, Schultz sang and recorded for six years with Robert Shaw and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus.

Leah Z. Rosenthal
Artistic Director LRosenthal@TheConrad.org
Leah Z. Rosenthal
Leah Rosenthal, Artistic Director, has held positions with some of the most prestigious nonprofit organizations in the country, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Ravinia Festival, The Recording Academy, and PBS. Rosenthal completed undergraduate studies in voice performance and went on to receive her master’s degree in Arts Management at Columbia College of Chicago.

Inon Barnatan
SummerFest Music Director
Inon Barnatan
“One of the most admired pianists of his generation” (New York Times), Inon Barnatan has received universal acclaim for his “uncommon sensitivity” (The New Yorker), “impeccable musicality and phrasing” (Le Figaro), and his stature as “a true poet of the keyboard: refined, searching, unfailingly communicative” (The Evening Standard). A multifaceted musician, Barnatan is equally celebrated as soloist, curator and collaborator.
Born in Tel Aviv in 1979, Inon Barnatan started playing the piano at the age of three after his parents discovered he had perfect pitch, and made his orchestral debut at age 11. His musical education connects him to some of the 20th century’s most illustrious pianists and teachers: he studied first with Professor Victor Derevianko, who, himself, studied with the Russian master Heinrich Neuhaus; and in 1997 he moved to London to study at the Royal Academy of Music with Maria Curcio—a student of the legendary Artur Schnabel—and with Christopher Elton. Today Barnatan performs at all the great halls of the world, collaborating and recording with the top chamber and classical conductors, orchestras, and musicians.

Casey McEnelly
Director of Finance CMcEnelly@TheConrad.org
Casey McEnelly

Brady Stender
Controller BStender@TheConrad.org
Brady Stender

Breanne Self
Human Resources and Finance Manager BSelf@TheConrad.org
Breanne Self
Artistic & Production

Grace Smith
Artistic Planning and Operations Director GSmith@TheConrad.org
Grace Smith

Anne-Marie Dicce
Artistic Planning Manager ADicce@TheConrad.org
Anne-Marie Dicce

George Pritzker
Artistic Operations Coordinator GPritzker@TheConrad.org
George Pritzker

Juliet Zimmer
Artistic Rentals and Partnerships Director JZimmer@TheConrad.org
Juliet Zimmer

Meghann Veynar
Production Manager MVeynar@theconrad.org
Meghann Veynar
Caren Heintzelman
Assistant Production Manager CHeintzelman@TheConrad.org
Caren Heintzelman

Lauren Cernik-Price
Production Coordinator & Stage Manager LCernik-Price@TheConrad.org
Lauren Cernik-Price

John Tessmer
Artist Liaison
John Tessmer

Eric Bromberger
Program Annotator
Eric Bromberger
Learning & Engagement

Allison Boles
Director of Learning & Engagement ABoles@TheConrad.org
Allison Boles

Jade Lewenhaupt
Learning & Engagement Coordinator JLewenhaupt@TheConrad.org
Jade Lewenhaupt

Serafin Paredes
Community Music Center Director
Serafin Paredes
Mr. Paredes earned his Bachelor of Music from San Diego State University in Music Education in 1998. After graduating from SDSU, he attended National University, where he earned his Master of Education in Cross-Cultural Teaching and his B-CLAD Teaching Credential. Mr. Paredes has been a music educator in the San Diego Unified School District since 1999 when started his teaching career teaching band, orchestra, and guitar at an elementary school. Aside from being an elementary music teacher, he also started teaching string instruments at La Jolla Music Society’s Community Music Center, where he has been the director for the past eighteen years. Since 2012, Mr. Paredes has been the mariachi director at the University of San Diego. Currently, he is working at developing the music program at Logan Memorial Educational Campus.

Aimee Alvarado
CMC Administrative Assistant
Aimee Alvarado
Aimee Alvarado

Xiomara Pastenes
Xiomara Pastenes
Xiomara Pastenes has been a part of the La Jolla Music Society’s Community Music Center for about six years as an Administrative Assistant. She also teaches the string section of our LJMS Ensemble. She is currently working to finish her degree in Marketing Communications.

Marcus Cortez
Piano Instructor
Marcus Cortez

Marko Paul
Woodwind Instructor
Marko Paul

Eduardo Ruiz
Brass Instructor
Eduardo Ruiz
Eduardo Ruiz has been the brass instructor of La Jolla Music Society’s Community Music Center since 2015. Born and raised in San Diego, he has worked hard to bring music to San Diego and its surrounding areas for over 10 years and is currently pursuing a degree in Music Education. He plays trumpet and enjoys composing and arranging.

Rebeca Tamez
Strings Instructor
Rebeca Tamez
Rebeca Tamez has been working as the violin instructor with the La Jolla Music Society Community Music Center (CMC) since 2016. Ms. Tamez has a Bachelor of Arts in Music with an emphasis in music theory from the University of San Diego. She is currently working on her Master of Science in educational counseling. Ms. Tamez enjoys working with and teaching the CMC string students.

Juan Sanchez
Percussion Instructor
Juan Sanchez

Ian Lawrence
Guitar Instructor
Ian Lawrence

Juan Tomas Acosta
Juan Tomas Acosta

Ferdinand Gasang
Director of Development FGasang@TheConrad.org
Ferdinand Gasang
Director of Development

Nicole Slavik
Special Events and Catering Director NSlavik@TheConrad.org
Nicole Slavik

Annie Delleman
Development Manager ADelleman@TheConrad.org
Annie Delleman

Wadeaa Jubran
Development Coordinator WJubran@TheConrad.org
Wadeaa Jubran

Vivian Vu
Special Events Coordinator VVu@TheConrad.org
Vivian Vu
Marketing & Ticket Services

Mary Cook
Director of Marketing MaryC@TheConrad.org
Mary Cook

Stephanie Saad
Communications & PR Director SSaad@TheConrad.org
Stephanie Saad

Cristal Salow
Data & Marketing Analysis Manager CSalow@TheConrad.org
Cristal Salow

David Silva
Marketing Manager DSilva@TheConrad.org
David Silva

Mariel Pillado
Graphic Designer MPillado@TheConrad.org
Mariel Pillado

Marsi Bennion
Box Office and Guest Services Manager MBennion@TheConrad.org
Marsi Bennion

Patrick Mayuyu
Box Office & Guest Services Assistant Manager PMayuyu@TheConrad.org
Patrick Mayuyu

Kaitlin Barron
Box Office & Guest Services Lead KBarron@TheConrad.org
Kaitlin Barron

Sam Crowley
Box Office & Guest Services Associate SCrowley@TheConrad.org
Sam Crowley

Mitchell Maker
Box Office & Guest Services Associate MMaker@TheConrad.org
Mitchell Maker

Shaun Davis
House Manager
Shaun Davis

Tom Jones
Director of Facilities & Technology TJones@TheConrad.org
Tom Jones

Adam Wiebe
Technical Director AWiebe@TheConrad.org
Adam Wiebe

Tyler Merrihew
Technical Coordinator – Audio Lead TMerrihew@TheConrad.org
Tyler Merrihew

Bradlee Kingston
Technical Coordinator – Lighting Lead BKingston@TheConrad.org
Bradlee Kingston

Colin Dickson
Facilities Manager CDickson@TheConrad.org
Colin Dickson

Evan Calderon
Facilities Coordinator ECalderon@TheConrad.org
Evan Calderon

Kim Chevalier
Security Supervisor
Kim Chevalier
Legal Counsel